Friday, February 27, 2009

kayhawkays first fried potato

She was living west of the Ochelata cemetry at the turn
of the century with her folks
in a two room log cabin with
a yard full of daffodils
when she met my great grandpa
his parents had her over for supper
her mother didn't have a stove
and cooked by the fireplace
mostly boiled food from a
black kettle
she was worried about the fried
root and only took a little
for fear she wouldn't like it
a couple of weeks later before the
marriage she confided in my great
grandpa that she didn't know how to
fry anything
he told her not to worry
after the wedding he sold two good wagon horses
to an osage for 35 dollars apiece
went to bartlesville and came back with a cook stove and
fried potatos became as familiar
as her old family's boiled spuds
but as she put it
"much more tastier"

I was just told this tale by grandmother over two eggs sausage texas toast and german style blackberry jam.

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