Sunday, May 1, 2011


Another day is come
like yesterday and yesterday and yesterday
last week, last month
year upon slow year.
Long seamless days
constant peristalsis with no release.

I used to hope for a better future.
Now I just hope to get done early.

This slow dying isn't killing me fast enough.
Thirty more years of this
and I can shuffle
meekly off to the grave
my bastard life done
the fruits of my labors
safely tucked away
in another man's bank account.


ygrii said...

Happy May Day, everyone. Workers of the world, submit!

Carla120956 said...

So, so powerful. Thank ya kindly for writing this and posting it here.

Anonymous said...

Carla, thanks for the compliments. I appreciate it. And I know the words are true because I live 'em. You probably do, too.
