Saturday, February 14, 2009

FUCK A FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHT. *aka* a high school football game in 4 parts.

i hate football. the only reason we go to the games is because our daughter is in the marching band this yr. well, we attened last friday's game, the band played "goldfinger" & "live & let die", & it was great. i couldn't really tell you much about the football game though, except that we lost.

i can tell you that there were a shit-ton of folks in attendance. there were handfuls of children flutterin' around like mad. many of them seemed to be grossly unsupervised. there was one little boy in particular, who at times sat in front of us with a little girl. they both seemed to be 7 or 8 yrs old. that little boy was an active motherfucker. shit, they both vibrated around like a couple of comepletely freaked out geeks. the boy's grandpa was seated just on the other side of the walkway. he somewhat paid attention to his loud talkin', mountain dew swillin' grandson. at one point grandpa & grandson were sharin' one of them turkey legs that i so desparately wanted, & grandpa ripped off a small turkey bone then used it as a toothpick. fuckin' wow.

i've never understood folks who feel the need to scream & yell all kindsa obnoxious ugliness throughout an entire ballgame. we all have moments of moanin' & groanin', & maybe the occasion scream at a referee. but, who in the fuck yells "ILLEGAL MOVEMENT, ILLEGAL MOVEMENT, ILLEGAL MOVEMENT, ILLEGAL MOVEMENT, ILLEGAL MOVEMENT, ILLEGAL MOVEMENT, ILLEGAL MOVEMENT!!!"? the fuckin' guy next to us, that's who. he seemed to be in possession of some sort of football dictionary. every minute or so, this man would yell about some sort of infraction of the rules or some call by the referee that he considered to be possibly the worst thing to happen to mankind since hitle killed all them fuckin' jews. the other team, according to this violently loud man, was constantly offsides & facemasking. at one point he was yellin' at such & such for "UNSPORTSMANSHIP". somehow the refs seemed to always be ignorant to all the shit that this man was so helpfully pointing out. poor stupid refs.

there was a pretty big turnout for the game. i bet next weeks crowd will be way worse, for it is time for homecoming. good lord. the mere thought of a mum, makes me wanna beat the shit outta someone. maybe shovin' of them turkey legs,from the concession stand, into my face will help keep me at bay. also, i'm bringin' a book this time.

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