Saturday, February 14, 2009


jack was a mentally retarded alcoholic. jack was my step great-greatgrandfather.

when i was a little kid, some of the older folk in my family were way too impressed with my ability to reset clocks for their electronics. i set alot of vcr clocks & helped program various bullshit electronics.

apparently jack remembered this.

i'm at home by myself & the phone rings. it's jack. it had been a few years since i had fidgeted with folks remote controls, but he wants to know if he can swing by while he's out doin' shit, & have me reset his watch. i unwillingly agreed to this. he shows up at my house about 15 minutes with his blinking watch & no instructions. he stands in my yard, i sit on my porch & mash buttons. five minutes later the watch is set. jack thanks me 4 or 5 times, puts his watch on, & says for me to hold for a second. he hobbles to his truck & returns shovin' 2 handfuls of change at me. i tell'em that ain't necessary. he insists, sayin' i could use it for coke & candy $$$. i took the 10 or so dollars in loose change, & jack left.

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