Wednesday, June 2, 2010


drug addled scaries
wander up & down the street
talkin' to themselves.
some are bad crazy
some are just goofy crazy
both are annoying.
some live at "godtel"
some of'em live god knows where
some of'em look dead.
some of'em try to
pawn their bs fake ass gold
that they "found" somewhere.
& it never works
lady at the counter says
"sorry...this ain't real".
i don't really care
what the fuck they do, long as
they leave me alone.
i believe folks have
the right to be left alone
[so does larry flynt].
do not fuck with me
& i will not fuck with you
it's a two way street.
*** fucked with me
started talkin' crazy shit
& pulled out a knife.
the pawnshop lady
came to my rescue, & she
shot that fucker down.
i kept all his shit
his boone's farm, shopping cart, &
aluminum cans.
i showed my treasures
to the other homeless folks...
a lesson of sorts.
this angered their blood
there was a homeless riot
against folks with homes.
across the country
more & more homeless riots
began to occur.
it became so bad
that the only folks outside
were homeless people.
then the government
declared homeless people a
terrorisitic threat.
"abandoned" buildings
were routinely fire bombed
live on CNN.
& fighter jets flew
over central park, killing
hundreds at a time.
over a few yrs
the homeless population
rapidly declined.
the few that remained
decided it easier
to just get a job.
not on their own though
but out of fear of dying
no one wants to die.


hippy steve said...


ygrii said...

And then they found having a job is death, too. They couldn't decide which was worse.

Corpus Christie said...

Ahahaha! YES!! Ridiculous as this is, I could see it happening.