Sunday, July 4, 2010

none title.

it's possible
that i might
go across the street
with a big ol' jug of
round-up weed killer
& spray the words


onto his lawn

it's more possible
that i won't do
any such thing

but, the fact
that i want to
do this act of
retarded vandalism
is spot fucking on.


Paraphernalia Quarterly said...

DO IT!!!

Corpus Christie said...

I think you should. Retarded acts of vandalism aught to be realized, especially when neighbors' lawns are the target.

ChopsMcLou said...

I think that’s a great idea. It would enhance the aesthetic enormously. You could also do big stencils on plastic sheeting, to speed up the process. Weedkiller lithographic tardedness. It could be the next big art form.